Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

How Is CSBS Billed?

CSBS billing items include cloud server backup function, database server backup function, backup storage, and cross-region replication.

  • Cloud server backup function: You will be billed for the crash-consistent application and restoration functions you use on your cloud servers without databases deployed. Crash-consistent backup ensures disks on the same cloud server are backed up in the same point in time.
  • Database server backup function: You will be billed for the application-consistent backup and restoration functions you use on your cloud servers with databases deployed. Application-consistent backup ensures the consistency of your database transactions during backup.
  • Backup storage: You will be billed for the storage capacity used to store backup data.
  • Cross-region replication: You will be billed for the traffic used to replicate backups across regions.

Pay-per-use example for cloud servers without databases deployed:

A tenant has a cloud server with 100 GB capacity. The cloud server initially has 30 GB data and 1 GB data is written to or modified in the cloud server in the following each day. The backup frequency is everyday and up to seven backups can be retained. In such a case, the initial full backup involves 30 GB data and each incremental backup involves 1 GB data. Thus, the total backup data capacity is 36 GB. The backup function fee of the cloud server is billed based on 100 GB and the backup storage fee is charged based on 36 GB.

Pay-per-use example for cloud servers with databases deployed:

A tenant has a database server with 100 GB capacity. The server initially has 30 GB data and 1 GB data is written to or modified in the server in the following each day. The backup frequency is everyday and up to seven backups can be retained. In such a case, the initial full backup involves 30 GB data and each incremental backup involves 1 GB data. Thus, the total backup data capacity is 36 GB. The backup function fee of the database server is billed based on 100 GB and the backup storage fee is charged based on 36 GB.

CSBS has two billing modes: pay per use or purchase resource packages (on a yearly/monthly basis).

For detailed prices, see the CSBS Pricing Details.

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