• C
      Cloud Search Service

      Cloud Search Service is a fully managed, distributed search service. It is fully compatible with open-source Elasticsearch and provides users with structured and unstructured data search, statistics, and report capabilities.


      Cloud Search Service provides functions on a per cluster basis. A cluster represents an independent search service that consists of multiple instances.

    • D

      An entity for Elasticsearch storage. Equivalent to the row in the RDB, the document is the basic unit that can be indexed.

      document type

      Similar to the table in the RDB, the document type is used to distinguish between different data. One index can contain multiple document types. A document actually must be indexed to a document type inside an index.

    • E

      Elasticsearch is an open-source system that provides both the search engine and NoSQL database functions. It is built based on Lucene and can be used for full-text search, structured search, and near real-time analysis.


      • F

        Minimum unit of a document. The field is similar to the column in the database.

      • I

        Index, similar to "Database" in the relational database (RDB), stores Elasticsearch data. It refers to a logical space that consists of one or more shards.


        • K

          Kibana is an open-source analytics and visualization platform and works with Elasticsearch. You can use Kibana to search, view, and interact with data stored in Elasticsearch indices. You can also visualize your data in a variety of charts, tables, and maps.

        • M

          A mapping is used to restrict the type of a field and can be automatically created based on data. It is similar to the schema in the database.


          • P
            private network address

            The internal access address is accessible only to clients that are in the same subnet as the Cloud Search Service cluster.

          • R

            A copy in a shard used for storing indices. It can be understood as a replica shard.

          • S

            A logical partition. In the Elasticsearch search engine, an index consists of several shards. Each shard contains one or more replicas.

            storage capacity

            Size of the underlying storage resources that can be used to store indexes and logs.

            storage type

            Storage resources are classified into different types based on their attributes. For example, storage resources can be classified into magnetic medium and solid state disks (SSDs) in terms of the storage medium, and into common I/O, high I/O, and ultra-high I/O storage resources in terms of the I/O level.