Updated on 2023-11-30 GMT+08:00

Querying Time Series Objects


This section describes how to query time series objects about a node's CPU usage.

Obtaining Basic Information

Before querying time series objects, obtain the node ID from dimensions on the ECS console, and the cluster ID from dimensions on the cluster management page of the CCE console.

For the CPU usage, obtain the metric name from VM Metrics, cluster and node ID dimensions from Metric Dimensions, and namespace from Table 4.

Querying Time Series Objects

  • URI format

    POST /v2/{project_id}/series

  • Example request

    POST https://{aom_endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/series

    To obtain the value of {aom_endpoint}, see Endpoints.


        "series": [
                "namespace": "PAAS.NODE",
                "metric_name": "cpuUsage",
  • Example response
    	"meta_data": {
    		"count": 0,
    		"offset": 0,
    		"total": 1,
    		"nextToken": 9007148492074133276
    	"series": [{
    		"namespace": "PAAS.NODE",
    		"metric_name": "cpuUsage",
    		"unit": "Percent",
    		"dimensions": [{
    			"name": "clusterId",
    			"value": "4fae3587-0202-11eb-9ba9-0255ac100b02"
    			"name": "clusterName",
    			"value": "testdiskrate"
    			"name": "hostID",
    			"value": "4100f512-c4e9-4b65-b0dd-2b94ea5e1a84"
    			"name": "nameSpace",
    			"value": "default"
    			"name": "nodeIP",
    			"value": ""
    			"name": "nodeName",
    			"value": ""