Updated on 2023-11-08 GMT+08:00

Change History

Released On



This issue is the twentieth official release, which incorporates the following change:


This issue is the nineteenth official release, which incorporates the following change:

Added parameter source_scaling_configuration_id to Creating an AS Configuration.


This issue is the eighteenth official release, which incorporates the following change:

Added sections Creating a Planned Task, Querying Planned Tasks, Updating a Planned Task, and Deleting a Planned Task.


This issue is the seventeenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Added Application Examples.


This issue is the fourteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the fifteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the fourteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the thirteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

  • Added parameter market_type to Creating an AS Configuration.
  • Added parameters multi_flavor_priority_policy, multi_az_priority_policy, instance_config, delete_alarm, and alarm_id.
  • Added error codes AS.1085, AS.1086, AS.1087, AS.1088, AS.2053, AS.7016, AS.1083, AS.1084, and AS.3056 to Error Codes.
  • Modified error codes AS.1017, AS.1018, AS.1032, AS.1036, AS.1078, AS.1080, AS.1081, AS.1084, AS.2038, AS.2043, and AS.7011 in Error Codes.


This issue is the twelfth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the eleventh official release, which incorporates the following changes:

  • Added parameters tenancy and dedicated_host_id to the instance_config field in Creating an AS Configuration.
  • Added error codes AS.1071, AS.1073, AS.1077, AS.1078, AS.1079, AS.1081, AS.2048, AS.2049, AS.2050, AS.1080, and AS.1082 to Error Codes.
  • Modified error codes AS.1068, AS.1075, and AS.1076 in Error Codes.


This issue is the tenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the ninth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the eighth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

  • Changed the default cooldown period to 300s.
  • Added error code AS.1067 to Error Codes.


This issue is the seventh official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Added 10s and 1 min as new options for the health check period to Creating an AS Group.


This issue is the sixth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified error codes AS.3004, AS.3008, AS.3009, AS.3010, and AS.3033 in Error Codes.
  • Added error codes AS.0026, AS.3045, AS.3046, AS.3047, AS.3048, and AS.3049 to Error Codes.


This issue is the fifth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the fourth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the third official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the second official release, which incorporates the following changes:
  • Added the function of increasing or decreasing the number of instances in an AS group according to the percentage preset in the AS policy.
  • Added AS monitoring metrics.
  • Added the following error codes: AS.1019, AS.1020, AS.1053 to AS.1061, AS.2042, AS.2043, AS.3035, and AS.3036.
  • Added parameters dedicated_storage_id and data_disk_image_id.


This issue is the first official release.