Updated on 2023-04-03 GMT+08:00
Enabling Automatic Subscription Renewal for Yearly/Monthly Resources

Enabling Automatic Subscription Renewal for Yearly/Monthly Resources


A customer can use this API to enable automatic subscription renewal for its long-term yearly/monthly resources to prevent the resources from being deleted when they are expired.

This API will be brought offline. For details about the new API for enabling automatic subscription renewal for rearly/monthly resources, see Enabling Automatic Subscription Renewal for Yearly/Monthly Resources.

Web UI

A customer can use this API to enable automatic subscription renewal for its long-term yearly/monthly resources in the Billing Center.

  1. Go to the Renewals page.
  2. Set the search criteria.

    All the resources to be renewed are displayed.

  3. Set auto-renewal for resources separately or in batches.

    • Separate auto-renewal: Choose More > Enable Auto-renewal in the Operation column for the desired resource.

    • Batch auto-renewal: Select the check boxes for the desired resources, and click Enable Auto-Renew in the upper left corner.

  4. Set the auto-renewal period and click OK.


A customer can enable automatic renewal for its yearly/monthly resources on the customer platform.

The customer can enable automatic subscription renewal only after the customer successfully pays its yearly/monthly resource order.

  • This API can be invoked only using the AK/SK or token of the customer.
  • For details about the yearly/monthly products supporting automatic subscription renewal, see Auto-Renewal Rules.
  • Before invoking this API, you can invoke the API described in Querying Customer's Yearly/Monthly Resources to query the resource ID, resource expiration date, and deduction policy after the resource is expired.
  • After you enable automatic subscription renewal, the fee will be deducted at 03:00 7 days before the product expiration date. Ensure that your budget is sufficient. If the first attempt to deduct the fee fails due to the insufficient budget, the system will continue the attempts at 03:00 every day until the fee is deducted successfully, or will retain the product resources till the last allowed day.
  • The renewed period is the same as the original resource subscription period.

  1. URI

    POST /v1.0/{domain_id}/common/order-mgr/resources/{resource_id}/actions

    The following table describes the parameters.

    Table 1 Path parameters



    Value Range




    A maximum 64 characters

    Customer account ID. For details, see How Do I Obtain Customer's customer_id and domain_id Values?



    A maximum 64 characters

    Resource instance ID.

    You can obtain the resource ID by invoking the API described in Querying Customer's Yearly/Monthly Resources.

    The attached resource IDs will be configured together when you configure primary resource IDs.

    • For example, ECS is the primary resource, and EVS is the attached resource.
    • If the shared bandwidth is used, the bandwidth is the primary resource, and EIPs are the attached resource.
    • If the exclusive bandwidth is used, EIPs are the primary resources, and the bandwidth is the attached resource.
    Table 2 Query parameters



    Value Range




    A maximum 64 characters

    Operation ID.

    The value can only be autorenew.

  2. Request

    Request Parameters


    Example request

    POST https://bss-intl.myhuaweicloud.com/v1.0/{domain_id}/common/order-mgr/resources/{resource_id}/actions?action_id=autorenew HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-Auth-Token: MIIPAgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCo...ggg1BBIINPXsidG9rZ

  1. Response

    Response Parameters






    Status code.

    For details, see 4.



    Error description.

    The following shows a command output example.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: length
    Date: response time   
        "error_code": "CBC.0000",
        "error_msg": "Success"

  1. Returned Values
    • 4xx: This class of HTTP status code is intended for situations in which the error seems to have been caused by the client, for example, the request contains bad syntax or incorrect parameters. You must ensure the request is correct.
    • 5xx: This class of HTTP status code is intended for cases in which the Huawei Cloud server is aware that it has encountered an error or is otherwise incapable of performing the request. In this case, contact Huawei Cloud customer service.

    Returned Values





    Invalid input parameter.


    Access denied.


    Other errors.