Updated on 2022-03-01 GMT+08:00

Modifying the Logical IP Address

Teleport accesses a shared file system through logical ports. Logical ports are used to differentiate services. The Teleport storage system can communicate with your service network only when the logical IP address of the Teleport resides in the same network segment as your service IP address.

Before using the Teleport storage system, you need to change the logical IP address to be in the same network segment as your service IP address. Meanwhile, the new logical IP address cannot reside in the same network segment as the management IP address. Otherwise, the modification will fail. This section describes how to modify the logical port attributes.


You have received the username and password for logging in to DeviceManager.


  1. In the address bar of the web browser, enter https://IP address:8088 to log in to the DeviceManager of the Teleport. The default IP address is IP address indicates the management IP address of DeviceManager.
  2. Choose Provisioning > Port.
  3. On the menu bar, click the Logical Ports tab page.

    Figure 1 Logical Ports

  4. Select the built-in logical port of the system, and click Properties. The Logical Port Properties dialog box is displayed. See Figure 2.

    The IP address, subnet mask, and gateway must be in the same network segment as your service network so that the client can access the shared file system in the Teleport through this logical IP address. Select the correct port for connecting the service cable. Retain the default values for other parameters.

    Click OK. In the Danger dialog box that is displayed, select "I have read the previous information and understood consequences of operation." Then, click OK.
    Figure 2 Modifying the IP address of the logical port

  5. The Success dialog box is displayed, indicating that the operation succeeded. Click OK.

    When the client accesses the NFS/CIFS shared file system, the logical port address must be used.